Going Dutch

Going Dutch

If you are moving to Holland and you are intending to find a job when you get there, the first thing to say is Good Luck! As with most countries at the moment, finding work isn’t as easy as it used to be just a couple of years ago, so if you are moving to Holland, or moving to France for that matter, it’s probably best to find employment before you leave. Having said that, if you are moving to Holland and are prepared to put the work in to find a job, there are a couple of ways you can look for work.

The public employment service – or the CWI, which is the Centre for Work and Income –  plays a huge role in the Dutch labour market as they help people find jobs in a similar way to the JobCentre here in the UK.

The staff at the CWI are very involved and will give as much help as you ask for when looking for a job, whether you are Dutch or moving to Holland from another country.

To get help from the CWI you need the equivalent of our national insurance number.  Every Dutch citizen obtains a personal registration number, called a SOFI-nummer, at the age of fourteen. Those moving to Holland can get a SOFI-nummer at the local tax office.

The bottom line is that, when it comes to moving to Holland, you will find the same problems – and solutions – as you will find here when you are looking for a job, so good luck!