On the Move

On the Move

Over the last twenty years and the increase in travel technology the world has become an increasingly smaller place. This has particularly affected us in the UK where we used to revel in our isolation as an Island. This had served us well in the past protecting us from events in Europe. But with the opening of the Channel Tunnel in 1994 things have changed significantly.

With France now only 30 minutes away there has come a renewed appetite for travel and new opportunities for people who consider moving to France. This can be seen in the fact that when the tunnel was opened there were claims that it would be the end of the Channel ferries, but in fact they seem as popular as ever and there have only been some marginal realignment in services.

With the increase in travel for holidays there has also been an increase in people moving to France. This is perhaps inevitable as people travel and experience a different way and pace of life and they consider the possibility that they could have a better standard of living in France.

The fact that there has also been a rapid increase in property prices in the UK over the same period has meant that for perhaps the first time, people could consider selling up and moving to France with the possibility of buying a property and having some money to spare. Also with the ever closer ties with Europe there are more people moving from the UK to work abroad or even at extremes, commuting from France to the UK. The opening of the Channel Tunnel has certainly opened many opportunities.

Whatever your reason for considering moving to France, whether it is to enjoy retirement, to work or even to commute, we at European Removal Experts can help with those initial headaches of moving home especially to another country.