Reality Bites

Reality Bites

New country – new tasty explorations! The palette is a fickle thing, but few daily thrills compare to good food. Wherever you’re off to is bound to have a unique menu of oddities for your delicious judgement (except the USA, where everything is just… bigger!), and that are likely to be served in some eccentric restaurants!

Relocating to France
Snails! Ew! Has there ever been a different exclamation from a British person? Helix snails are perhaps the preferred snail in most French cuisine. The best snails are between three and four years old. In answer to any issues with their… digestive parts, the snails are strictly fasted for about two weeks before becoming your dinner to ensure all their tubes are clear of… you know!

Relocating to Belgium
You know about the fabulous chocolate of course. But Belgian restaurant concepts are fantastic and include “Dinner in the Sky” (eat whilst suspended with your table in the air!), a number of converted old planes, and the eccentric “’t Velootje” bar (the seats are all bicycles!)

Relocating to Switzerland
Swiss cuisine is influenced by its neighbours; it presents an eclectic old mix. As for restaurants, “Blinde Kuh” is basically Blind Man’s Bluff… but when eating. Dine in pitch darkness, in the care of experienced (usually blind) staff.

Relocating to Germany
Well they certainly love their themed restaurants in Germany! “Bollesje” (prisons theme), “Knoblauchrestaurant” (everything is made with garlic!), and I’m sure you can guess what the decoration theme is at “Klo” when that name is translated into English… “Loo”