Some Facts About Moving to Switzerland

Some Facts About Moving to Switzerland

If you are planning to move abroad to a country within the European Union, you will be aware that this is a relatively straightforward thing to do. The rules on moving around the EU mean that relocation from country to country is made as easy as possible for those who come from the member states. This is connected to the charter of the EU which promise the free movement of people, goods and services within the Union. But if you are moving to Switzerland, this could be difficult.

The rules on immigration for those who are planning on moving to Switzerland are very strict, and your nationality is important when it comes to making a decision about whether you will be allowed to move permanently. Citizens of the fifteen pre-2004 European Union member states and of the various European Free Trade Association countries face fewer restrictions than citizens from the rest of the world.

It may seem harsh, but the reality is that it is almost impossible for non-EU nationals to find work in Switzerland unless they have something to offer the state. The only way a non-EU national can find work in the country is if they are highly qualified and able to perform a job that no Swiss person can do. Having said that, if a non-EU national has a couple of million pound in the bank, they will be welcomed with open arms!

It’s also worth noting if you are planning on moving to Switzerland that without a job arranged in advance, you cannot take up residence.