Moving to France from the UK

Shopper’s Solace: The Most Stylish Cities in Europe

Moving to Europe – for some of us at least – HAS to mean… shopping!

Paris, France
Moving to France? Head for Paris – You know you want to! As the home of Haute Couture, Paris is one of the most chic cities in Europe. Renowned stores along the Rue du Fauborg and Champs Elysees attract label-seekers like moths to a flame! But it’s not all couture, flea markets and vintage fairs are the soul of Paris. When relocating to France who knows what you’ll find – vintage Chanel, classic Halston or an antique Chesterfield that’s fits perfectly into your new French living space!

Barcelona, Spain

Of course Milan is a style capital, but if its art and beatnik chic you seek, a trip to Barcelona should be on the cards! The designer names are all there, nestled sweetly amongst the jostling array of markets and bargain vintage stalls!

Zurich, Switzerland
An unexpected gem, Zurich’s central square plays host to some lavish brands! The elegant Bahnhofstrasse is certainly one of the most stylish and gracefully designed shopping streets in Europe. And don’t forget a little bad-weather indulgence in the sumptuous and labyrinthine ShopVille underground shopping centre.

Amsterdam, Holland
A city of quirky uniqueness and shopping curiosities! Moving to Holland? Make Amsterdam one of your first excursions. The Dutch love to mix and match their markets, meaning you’re likely to find a bit of everything!

Ok, so shopping trips aren’t for everyone. But for those amongst us who love nothing more than a day whiled away window shopping, Europe is more than satisfactory!