Something in the Water?

Our phone rings – “Hi, I’m moving to Holland soon…” and we’re only too happy to help! “I’m moving to Holland…” enquires are amongst our most numerous requests. But just what is it with tulip country that’s causing all sorts of British folks – young, old, graduate, retiree – to make the jump to the nation of windmills?

Fitting in
Relocating to Holland is arguably one of the safest options in terms of culture shock. Roughly 12% of the Amsterdam’s population is made up of expats, making the expat community in Holland one of the most prolific in Europe.

The façade of windmills, clogs and tulips belies a thriving contemporary culture. The Dutch are people who LOVE their festivals! Everything from flowers and windmills to cycling and the Dutch locales themselves are lovingly honoured with upbeat festivals throughout the year. Art and music festivals such as the wonderful “Festival aan de Werf” in Utrecht are well-run, safe and attracting more patrons every year.

Work and Study

Moving to the Netherlands for educational purposes is a huge trend amongst the UK’s high school and university graduates. Similarly, increasing numbers of jobseekers are finding the Dutch balance between work and play all too irresistible!

They say travel broadens the mind. The reality for most folks is that they don’t want to stray TOO far from home. Nobody says you HAVE to love the country you’re born too though – Just look at Anglophile Gwyneth Paltrow, tennis ace Greg Rusedski, literary father Ernest Hemmingway or fabulous fashion designer Tom Ford!